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Plantar warts

Plantar warts (verruca pedis) appear as painful, grainy, rough and fleshy growths with black pin points. They can often be mistaken for corns, however their cause and treatment is quite different.

Plantar warts are caused by the human papilloma virus. There are various treatment options on the market including laser therapy and salicylic acid based ointments. Unfortunately, these treatment options cause the warty tissue to become more inflamed and more painful before healing can commence.

Our podiatrists offer Spirularin Wart treatment. Developed in Germany- by leading podiatrists and dermatologists, Spirularin contains microalgae extract "spiralin" which is a natural antiviral and cell regenerative treatment for warts. With willow bark extract and zinc, Spirularin actively stops warts from spreading into healthy tissue allowing the wart to grow out with natural skin cell turn over. This is a completely pain-free solution that is safe for children, diabetics, sensitive feet and for use during pregnancy.

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