Fungal nails
Fungal nails (onychomycosis) present as thickened, discoloured, brittle and crumbly. Often starting as a small spot in just one toe nail, this infection can eventually spread to all nails and sometimes even to other family members through the sharing of shower recesses, bedding and footwear/socks.
Fungus is in our environment all around us but thrives in warm, moist and dark conditions. People who have sweaty feet, prefer closed-in shoes, or use public spaces such as gym or pool change rooms/showers are more likely to pick up this infection. It is also common to contract a fungus infection from a nail salon as the infection control and sterilisation practices in these establishments are not regulated.
Those that are immunocompromised ( eg. people with diabetes) are more likely to contract a fungal infection as their body's natural defense system is not as capable of fighting it off.
After taking a thorough history to determine the cause of the fungal nail infection, our podiatrists will discuss the most appropriate treatments for you. We will also collaborate with you to devise the best strategies on how to reduce the risk of reinfection in the future.